
You used the Starter Template!

Thanks for starting out with our template. We are mobile-first, and optimized for backwards and cross-compatibility. Learn more about our Starter Template, or begin using the template to get started!

We are lightweight!

We use our in-house simple CSS reset. It's pretty small, and the production version is minified too! We just bring the HTML DOM Document down to a completely blank slate, with a few preferences in how we handle some of the HTML5 block elements. We think this is the perfect blank slate to use CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, a combination of both, or just some other CSS Framework without conflict. Lots of predictable behavior too! All our other styling is built in house! Our own "framework" if you'd think. It helps us practice making a BEM Component Module Mobile First CSS Template, a little guide for you as well to show you how simple it is to style!

We are low-dependency!

We mainly use our own scripts and CSS files! We only utilize jQuery3 to help us out with some animations, toggles, transitions and selectors. It makes prototyping far quicker, though with JavaScript's document.querySelector(), it wouldn't be hard to do all that ourselves. That might be for another template! We also use Font Awesome for its... awesome icons! Creative; I know, right?

We are cutting-edge!

We use as much of the latest semantics from HTML5 and CSS3 to ensure that we are up-to-date with the latest, but still maintaining robust backwards compatibility. We are also keeping up-to-date with the latest ECMAScript (JavaScript) syntax to ensure high performance application builds using the latest optimizations whenever and wherever possible.

Well? Why are you still here!? Get started using this starter template! I'm about to dump some lorem ipsum on ya now!

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I'm a Traditional Card!
Placeholder Img
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur, nobis?
This was a Traditional Card Test!
I'm a Traditional Card!
Placeholder Img
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur, nobis?
This was a Traditional Card Test!
I'm a Traditional Card!
Placeholder Img
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur, nobis?
This was a Traditional Card Test!